Crazy Week

This week has been super crazy. Death by work overload. The funny thing is that I don’t really do anything that hard for work, what I mean is that both of my jobs could be considered the easiest jobs in the world. I think it’s more the lack of sleep and finding equilibrium in my personal and work life. On Thursday the stress piled on so my friend and I decided to go out for drinks during lunch. This is always a bad idea for me because alcohol makes me two things: hungry and tired. Although I didn’t like this outcome, it was nice to just relax and vent with a friend.

On Friday after work I went home and got ready for my friends Valentine’s Day party. I wore my waist trainer which was a bad idea because driving with that thing on was nearly impossible, not to mention the fact that I couldn’t sit nor breathe at the party. I think I figured out how that thing works. Michelle had a pile of chips and queso, my number one weakness followed closely by chicken wings and Chipotle. Anyway, I had two chips, I wanted more, but I knew that if I had any more along with the beer I was drinking my waist trainer would pop off and hit someone in the face. So I stopped. Way to go waist trainer!

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Saturday is a complete blur. I worked 6 am to 10 pm. I was exhausted all day long and in the verge of a mental breakdown by the time I got off. I decided I’m quitting the rehab job in April because that would mark 6 months with them which is what I needed for my resume. As I was driving home fighting to stay awake and trying to shake off all the things that the kids did to piss me off I was just thinking about bed bed bed! I got home and my wonderful beautiful husband had a romantic dinner planned with candles and a little baby stuffed monkey! He made garlic bread, pizza, a lot of wine, and tres leches cake. It was the most wonderful and perfect surprise. I am so blessed to have such a romantic man in my life.

Sunday I actually got to sleep in which was much needed. When I woke up my manager at the rehab texted me asking if I could come in at 12 instead of 2. I was mad that I wouldn’t have time to unwind but of course I said yes. I’m not sure why I agree to do things I don’t want to do. It was actually one of my New Years Resolutions to learn how to say no and not feel obligated to help out when I don’t feel like it, obviously it hasn’t been working out. Just after I said yes my friend Natalie texted me: BRUNCH! I totally forgot I had made plans for brunch! I felt like the worst friend in the world. I thought about telling her I got called in early. I looked at Instagram while I was trying to decide what to say when I saw a quote that stopped me in my tracks. “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life” it read. That’s all I needed. I love Natalie and I cherish every single moment we spend together because she lives in Dallas. I texted my manager and like everything else in my life, I blamed Joe. “Hi Jamie I just went outside and realized my husband took the car this morning and won’t be back until 12 so I can’t make it in until 2”. Total lie because we have two cars but that’s none of her business. With that, I got ready for brunch. I had a ton of fun at brunch and a little too much to drink. I made the right decision, it was fun to go out with the girls and laugh and talk and just be. I’m really proud of myself for saying no even though I don’t think it counts because I said yes at first. Regardless, I am happy about my decision.

Sunday at work was only a blur only this time it wasn’t because I was tired, it was because I had some drinks in me, just a reminder I work at a REHAB! I did notice that a lot of the things the kids to that usually make me mad just seemed funny. Maybe I should drink before work all the time.

Yesterday was my first day of “normalcy”. I had work and my toastmasters meeting which ironically, was about finding balance in your work and personal life, not something I have researched very well. After work I had an awesome workout. I hadn’t worked out in so long! I didn’t eat that great yesterday. I had Chipotle for lunch, not the healthy options either.

So my husband is catholic, and lent is coming up. I always really like lent because I am a weirdo and I like challenges. So even though I am not doing it for religious purposes I do want to do something. Joe is giving up beer. I honestly don’t drink beer as often as he does. I love vodka, but I’m never ever giving that up. I think I’m going to try to give up negative talk at work. All the time I come in and say “I’m so tired”, “that customer was annoying”, “oh my goodness will this fucking phone stop ringing” etc. I will try and do it at both of my jobs. We will see how long I last.

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