Fire Hooping Etc.

Happy Monday! Let the countdown begin for the weekend! So on Saturday I had to work in the morning. Since we only have 31 kids right now we had too many people and I, being so nice, volunteered to go home. I went back to bed and I didn’t wake up until 11! I haven’t slept in that late in ages! It felt so good and I’m sure my body appreciated it because I went on an awesome 4 mile run afterwards. The run itself is easy, cardiovascular and leg wise I’m golden, it’s just my damn calluses. I literally feel my feet burning off! When I got home and looked at the huge bubble, I was mortified. I even used double socks! I’m not sure what else to do, to be honest I’m kind of afraid of running again.


After my run I studied until it was time for my fire hooping class, yes that’s right! FIRE HOOPING! It was everything that is amazing in the world! It was so fascinating, incredible, wonderfully unbelievable, and every other cliché thing you could think of but not cliché! I’ve never felt so free! It’s kind of weird to explain and I probably sound like a weird hippie that never shaves when I’m explaining it but I just felt it in my soul. So you are spinning and there is fire around you and you just move your body with the music and you almost mesmerize yourself. Once you stop spinning, you look up and you kind of forget where you were and that there are other people around watching you. In that moment you are somewhere else, you are spinning and nothing in the world matters, all the problems, and all the insecurities that you have just disappear. I honestly can’t wait to go back and I might invest in a fire hoop so I can practice at home.


After hooping Joe and I went downtown to meet with an old friend of mine from Chicago. He actually use to be my acting coach. He was in town shooting a commercial for a company and invited us out. Can I just say, I HATE DOWNTOWN. I do like to people watch. I love seeing drunk people interact and watch what our society considers the norm.

Sunday morning I got a bunch of chores done early in the morning before work. I think there is something about waking up and drinking your coffee in bed with your cat and staying in your pjs until after 12 that is just absolute bliss. I love working on chores while watching TV and dancing around. That is my relaxing time. I had to work 2 to 10 yesterday which is just such a horrible shift because the kids are so damn rowdy! Sometimes when its lights out I think I’m in a zoo with a bunch of little crazy monkeys just throwing shit around and jumping and jumping and screaming! It’s like a horror movie. I got really really mad at one point which I try not to do with them. It’s very rare that they get yelled at by me but yesterday it happened multiple times.

I have to run 3 miles today. I’m scared about my feet. I might also go to a dance class tonight but that all depends on how much studying I get done during lunch.